The Trident Way...
Trident Aquatics was founded in 2014 with the mission of leading a world class age group competitive swimming program. We are a values driven team, focused on producing excellence, building character, and mentoring athletes towards becoming happy, healthy and driven people. Our team maintains a deliberately small roster where every athlete matters, channels of communication are open, and we lift one another up! Always pushing boundaries, we love to innovate, explore new technologies, and actively seek to advance our knowledge base and training methods, ultimately for the success of our athletes!
We train athletes from 7 - 20 years of age, and have qualified athletes in the full spectrum of competitive accomplishment in our sport: State, Zones, Sectionals, Futures, Junior Nationals, U.S. Nationals, collegiate scholarships and U.S. Olympic Trials. Trident's 1st Olympian, Patrick Callan, will compete in the Tokyo Olympics. Trident is a roster-capped, private, coach-owned club.

Our Credo
Why we founded Trident.
What we strive for every single day.
"Depth over Breadth"- Achieving mastery of key skills, versus dabbling in a preponderance of mediocre skills. We train athletes in key fundamental skills, and work every day towards mastery of those skills.
"Do my teammates want to be around me?" Swimmers and coaches learn, grow and perform well when surrounded by people who authentically care about each other, respect one another, and value our sport.
"What's your WHY?" Trident swimmers know why they show up every practice. They believe that success is earned, not given. There are no shortcuts.
Owning what you do produces authentic success. Trident's culture is comprised of the athlete's and coach's mindset that we are each responsible to ourselves, our teammates and our families.
Testing limits. Challenging paradigms and leveraging technology that didn't exist even 5 years ago engages athletes, and fast-tracks continuous improvement. We incessantly pursue new and open thinking and trends, testing, evaluating and discovering better ways to learn, think, train and compete.
Stepping up takes confidence, bravery and the trust that we've prepared. We are all ambassadors of our team and our sport. Leadership is the manifestation of our philosophy, principles and unwavering desire to lead from in front.
How bad do you want it? Perseverance is messy. Our greatest breakthroughs show up only when we've pushed ourselves beyond where we ever thought we could go. Embrace failure. It is the price of greatness!
Balanced athletes have a higher potential of success and achievement. A holistically trained person becomes more versatile...serving them their entire life. Learning skills is, in itself, a skill that must be developed.
We are guided by faith, passion for our sport, an authentic and positive attitude, teaching and learning life's lessons, celebrating success, embracing failure as learning opportunities as a test of fortitude. We believe in lives of humility, empathy and letting our swimming results "speak for us".
When we inspire first our hearts and our minds, and genuinely believe in why we're doing what we're doing, amazing accomplishment is possible in the pool and in life. A character-first approach must be the entry fee before any meaningful development and success is possible in the water. True confidence is being secure in the knowledge that fully committing to training and competing with excellence is enough, even if that excellence doesn't produce victories.
We tirelessly seek to provide world class training, with particular emphasis on deliberate practice, technique, intrinsic and extrinsic inspiration, use of innovative technology, sportsmanship and individualized attention to every athlete's development and success.
We work harder, compete better, and have more fun as a result of great teammates. We embrace our role as teammates, with genuine appreciation for our teammates, coaches, parents and the swimmers with whom we compete.
We believe in perpetual improvement through open-minded learning, experimentation and thoughtful analysis. We seek to always improve our coaching skills, solicit outside expertise, athlete education, parent involvement...constantly aspiring to improve upon everything we do for and with our athletes.
Swimmers and their parents wholeheartedly believe that their lives are better because they're a part of Trident...and this belief shall be the ultimate determinant of our success. Everyone was born with the ability to make a huge difference in some else's life. Trident shall be but one of the ways we "walk the talk," together. Swimming parents understand and serve their role as supportive, loving and enthusiastic of their swimmer and coaches.

Why Swim?
Swimming helps to increase self-confidence and trust in one’s own ability.
Swimming teaches us to set goals, convinces us that things are possible...insist, fail and persevere until we achieve them.
Swimming educates us on such virtues as solidarity, tolerance and respect towards their colleagues and rivals, and encourages them to participate and share success with them, thereby strengthening coexistence and teamwork.
Swimming enhances the independence of the athlete, improves emotional control and benefits self-esteem. At the same time, swimming teaches us how much of a positive impact we can have on others.
Swimming gives those who train and compete added pride, loyalty and composure...important "fuel" to thrive in our lives.
Swimming requires strict adherence to training schedules, which strengthens self-control and commitment to rules of behavior, thereby also fostering manners, an interest in study and academic results.
Swimming also increases health, physical and mental well-being, and improves social skills. When fun and extremely hard work merge, greatness is possible, and probable!
The Journey...The Reward.
We tirelessly strive to accomplish our mission through:
1) The most knowledgeable, dedicated and enthusiastic coaching staff possible, whose success will be defined solely by the success achieved by every athlete.
2) Instilling and expecting an open minded, perpetual-learning and positive culture for every athlete, coach and parent.
3) Utilizing a wide range of effective training methods and technology in and out of the water. Dryland, core strengthening, dry-side aerobic training, resistance training, plyometrics and yoga/Pilates are all utilized to develop and improve specific aspects of a race (eg. starts, power, flexibility, core strength, turns, etc). Furthermore, innovative and unique methods of teaching skills and developing every critical skill required for successful competition and perpetual improvement.
4) Individualized goal setting, training regimen and attention for every swimmer. Every day.
5) Careful and deliberate balance placed on technique, building a strong aerobic base, developed in conjunction with dry-side strength and flexibility.
6) Frequent learning event sessions whereby outside expertise is invited to present the latest in nutrition, mental toughness, flexibility, life balance, technique, team operations, etc. A smarter athlete is a better athlete.
7) Upholding high standards and expectations for athletes, coaches and parents in terms of work ethic and respect for fellow and competitive swimmers, coaches, parents, volunteers and officials.
8) Open and effective channels of communication between all parents, coaches and swimmers.
9) Maintaining a small coach-to-athlete ratio. We have no aspiration to develop an excessively large team; rather, our goals surround a high-quality development program where every athlete is provided acute training designed for their individual goals, age, ability and other relevant, personal determinants.
10) Recognizing that more intensive training, better equipment and more individualized athlete development will typically be more expensive than the average club program, and is not for everybody. However, we strongly believe the return on the investment will be so worth it!
11) Never forgetting that competitive swimming is meant to be challenging and rewarding, but most of, and an environment where young people are proud to be part of the program.
In no way do we expect that the coaching, training methods, expectations of an athlete and teaching philosophy utilized at Trident Aquatics will be a best fit for every swimmer. Managing the expectations of each swimmer, parent and coach is absolutely key in order for a mutually agreed-upon vision of success to provide a roadmap towards success. This should be carefully considered in contemplating whether or not to apply for membership to Trident Aquatics.
Our objective is, and will always be, to create a unique team environment with a progressive culture and holistic approach to developing highly successful swimmers in the water and successful young people out of the water. Acute attention to personalized training will be provided to every athlete, emphasizing the most relevant factors that contribute to each swimmer's short term and long term success. Included will be age-appropriate physical and psychological development, individual aspirations, etc. Scheduled competition will include local as well as out of state swim meets and clinics on a year-round basis. All athletes, coaches and parents of Trident Aquatics share in the belief that tremendous rewards come as a result of the following:
Conviction that swimming is an awesome sport, and an attitude to match!
Setting and relentlessly pursuing personal and team goals
Demonstrating a personal commitment to success
Willingness to work very hard and push personal limits ("What got you here won't get you there!")
Willingness to learn, to take risks, fail and, ultimately, break through
Recognition and acceptance that amazing results do not happen overnight.
Genuine support of every other teammate in the pursuit of their goals...and celebrating their successes
Respect for coaches and others in a position responsible for the safety and development of all athletes
Respect and gratitude for the vital role that parents of swimmers play in their athlete's success
Open channels of communication so that expectations of all stakeholders are well managed.
The Whole Athlete: How We Train
Progressive Underwater Video/Stroke Analysis
Utilization of Progressive Equipment, In and Out of the Water
Purpose-Built Drills: ”Sweat the small stuff"
The Science Behind Efficiency
Selectivity of Focus
Aerobic / Anerobic Isolation and Targeted Strength Development
Resistance Training
Velocity at Aerobic Threshold (VAT)
Endurance AND High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
Training Periodization
Dry-Side Training
Upper Body, Core and Lower Body Strength/Resiliency
Flexibility & Mobility
Fast Twitch/Slow Twitch Muscle Development
Yoga & Pilates
Mental Toughness
Attitude is Everything
Overtraining Vulnerability
Avoiding Performance Decrements
Response to Adversity
Nutrition & Overall Health
Pre & Post Workout Nutrition
Daily Nutrition Optimization for Swimmers
Pre-Meet and Meet Day Nutrition
Sleep Habits and Effect on Performance
Taper Strategy for Championship Meets